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Loving home 「愛」家---作者: 韓國修士( 石鎮旭)

  • 發佈日期:2014-07-14
  • 照片說明文字  我在「愛家」工作九個月,「愛家」在台灣桃園,是一個成人身心障礙者的中心,約有35名學生和15名工作人員,大多數的學生是早上8點來到中心,約下午4點回家。有5個班級,我被分配到比其他班級重度的學生的班級,我每周三至周五到「愛家」,工作時間是從早上8點到下午5點,我在「愛家」的工作就是協助他們的基本生活自理,例如:吃飯、喝水、上廁所以及洗澡……等。




      I worked in Aijia(home of Love) for about 9 month, which is a center for mentally challenged adults in Taoyuan, Taiwan. There are about 35 students and 15 staffs in Aijia. Most of them come to the center in the morning and go back home around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. There are 5 classes and I'm assigned to the class with more severe students than other classes. I go to Aijia every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, work from 8 am to 5 pm. What I do in Aijia is to help the students' basic activities as a human, such as eating food, drinking water, going to the toilet, taking a shower and so on. They cannot do those kind of basic activities by themselves without other's help. While I was working in Aijia, I remembered when I studied philosophy in Korea. I was asked the definition of human being by the professor, but I could not answer it immediately. What makes a human like a human? Many philosophers tried to answer the question, rational being? social being? Those who can think, speak and using complex tools? None of them in Aijia qualified the definition of human from the philosophers, but I know that they are the same human being who were created by God with love, just like anybody else.

       I am usually asked to help the one guy in Aijia who needs one on one care for whole day. He is tall and big, but he couldn't do anything by himself. And he often tried to hurt himself by butting his head to the wall or hitting his knees by his legs and cried out loud whenever he was not happy. But we don't know why he is not happy because he could not speak. Besides he likes to hold other's hand all the times. Sometimes when he is happy, he doesn’t ask for holding hands and doesn't cry, but many times he gave me a hard time. There was the time that he was very happy and laughed out loud, the it makes everyone happy. The students in Aijia have a simple and innocent smile and laugh because they are the simple and innocent ones. There is no hiding or manipulation in their smile and laugh. That's why when I see their smile and laugh, I also can become like them. I also learnt a lot from the teachers in Aijia. They don't just work there only for money, but with love and compassion. They take care of the studensin Aijia just as their own family members. It cannot be explained without love of God.

      We, as missionaries, don't go for people only to help them, we do go for people to exchange our gift which we got it from God. Christmas is not the only time that we exchange gifts, but also through whole our life. That's what missionaries should do so that our world would become the big HOUSE OF LOVE. I worked there for only short time but I got a lot of gifts of love from them. I thank God for sending me there to work and meet with them. I also pray for the students and teachers in Aijia. May God bless them.
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